Autodidcta Rican artist. San Josel nascent January 22, 1964. His talent flourishes in elementary school, where each month illustrated the blackboard wall with patriotic and traditional themes. In 1979 he wins first prize at the national Young Costa Rica, in the field of drawing in ink. By 1989, showing his works in ink, in the galleys of the capital. By 1990 his works were exhibited in Hamburg, Germany as enjoying the support of this community in Costa Rica. In 1982 his first exhibition multitcnica where pruning and assessed the socio-cultural impressionistic, expressionistic and surreal vision of its national human. Many of these works are now in countries like the Dominican Republic, Mexico, France, Spain and Germany. Recent years has participated in group exhibitions in different state institutions. It is noteworthy that in the year 1996 international wins first place with the play "The place in which we live, "relaizar event in Turkey with the sponsorship of the Global Fund to United Nations population Fund (UNFPA). In 2002 he published his first virtual gallery" Cabalceta Ivn The Universe "(http : / /, promoted as the first example for his country on the web. For 2006, Upon request of their fans opens the second virtual gallery titled "Ramblings of Ivn Cabalceta "( where rescues a sample of the latest work done. He has been featured in magazines and virtual and, as a representative for his country's art and culture. Currently, apart from its plastic, designs, conceptualized and illustrated books and all educational material for the Ministry of Public education of their country. travs has participated in all this time , workshops, mentors and college scholarships for drawing, painting and design graphic.